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 Slang Help

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4 posters
Fleshing out those Characters

Number of posts : 54
Location : Canada
Humor : Zombie
Registration date : 2009-02-08

Slang Help Empty
PostSubject: Slang Help   Slang Help EmptyThu May 21, 2009 10:18 am

One of the hardest things to get right for Children's/YA is the slang. It has to sound realistic, but at the same time, if it's too trendy it won't last and in a few years sound dated. If you use the slang from when you were a kid, well...all you've done is shout out that YOU ARE AN ADULT TRYING TO WRITE A BOOK FOR KIDS. affraid

Some slang/catch phrasing endures over time, and some doesn't. Do you know which is which?

If you have a slang term you need help on, post it here. Or, if you need a better way to say something, then post it and others can jump in to help! pirat
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Informatio consuasor

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PostSubject: Re: Slang Help   Slang Help EmptySun Jun 28, 2009 10:47 am

Great topic, Angela!!

I used "rad" in one of my chapters and my critique partner recently made me swap it for "killer." It really is important to watch for these things.
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Our Poster Extradonaire

Number of posts : 232
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Registration date : 2009-06-23

Slang Help Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slang Help   Slang Help EmptySun Jun 28, 2009 11:07 am

Man your right, slang is hard to do because in a few years someone might read your work and be like "this sucks! its so ooooold"

~Akurei Enzeru
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Editing the First draft

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Registration date : 2009-03-04

Slang Help Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slang Help   Slang Help EmptySun Jun 28, 2009 5:38 pm

Slang is hard. Although to help, watch the movies that are geared for the high school graduates--usually those type of movies have the "current" slang in them.

I worked at a high school for 2 years and that is how I picked up (again) how teenagers act towards adults, their own parents, their teachers, and other school officials. It was fun to see and watch and learn at the difference between my age and theirs is so off. Plus when writing a YA, I would probably suggest checking out family style restaurants like Denny's or IHOP because there you can see how young adults act more around their family. You can see how the parents react to their children.
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Our Poster Extradonaire

Number of posts : 232
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Location : Wonderful World of Word
Job/hobbies : Student; Unpublished Author; Artist; Musician; Composer
Humor : Dark, crude, disturbing....
Registration date : 2009-06-23

Slang Help Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slang Help   Slang Help EmptySun Jun 28, 2009 5:43 pm

We all kind of sound like teen stalkers ><

~Akurei Enzeru
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Editing the First draft

Number of posts : 251
Age : 40
Location : La La Land
Job/hobbies : My job is being a Mom and My hobby is writing.
Humor : "Due to budget cuts, the light at the end of the tunnel will be turned off until further notice!"
Registration date : 2009-03-04

Slang Help Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slang Help   Slang Help EmptySun Jun 28, 2009 5:48 pm

I think all writers "look" like stalkers because we "see" people differently. I watch people at the airport all the time. I watch people when I'm out shopping. I have learned how people "act" in society and then incorporate some form of what I saw into my characters.
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Our Poster Extradonaire

Number of posts : 232
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Location : Wonderful World of Word
Job/hobbies : Student; Unpublished Author; Artist; Musician; Composer
Humor : Dark, crude, disturbing....
Registration date : 2009-06-23

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PostSubject: Re: Slang Help   Slang Help EmptySun Jun 28, 2009 5:50 pm

I do that too. Creative people tend to be seen as 'stalkers' or 'weirdo's' etc. that's just because other people are meanies ><

~Akurei Enzeru
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Fleshing out those Characters

Number of posts : 54
Location : Canada
Humor : Zombie
Registration date : 2009-02-08

Slang Help Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slang Help   Slang Help EmptyMon Jul 13, 2009 11:11 am

I think too, the best thing you can do is make your slang fit the character. I try to stay away from slang I knew as a kid but there are a few that have stood the test of time and are still used. You can get away with a 'lame' in the right context, even a 'dude.' You can't use them every three second, though. Maybe once a MS.
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