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 The Eden Allen Thread

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2 posters
The Boss of the Board

Number of posts : 1170
Age : 37
Registration date : 2009-02-05

The Eden Allen Thread Empty
PostSubject: The Eden Allen Thread   The Eden Allen Thread EmptyFri May 15, 2009 1:52 am

Come here and discuss our non fiction author Eden's (writer2day) book Promises of Eve

Heres a little more about Eden Allen . . .

Eden Allen

About Eden Allen:

Francelene Aprahamian is a native Texan who now resides in Wisconsin with her husband of ten years. She is the mother to a grown son, an avid reader, a lover of photography and travel and obsesessed with the show, Supernatural. Her first article was published in 1993 in Interrace Magazine. She is currently working on a collection of short stories as well as a suspense novel.

The Eden Allen Thread 517A49%2Bm-RL._SL500_AA240_

Promise of Eve

“Knowing who you want in your life is half the battle of living life.” Handsome Kent Richards fell in love with a hazel-eyed beauty on the day they met. Two years later, he finally had a chance to date her. Noelle Morgan was an unwed aspiring actress/model when she met Kent, but when they meet up again she is on her way toward her dreams. Their falling in love changes things for them as well as all those around them, partially because they are an interracial couple. Obstacles in the form of relatives and supposed friends attempt to block the passage to happiness for them. However, nothing could prepare them for their life as it unfolds. Their journey will cover more than twenty years of unconditional love, undying faith and God’s perfect destiny.

Book Review

Taken from Amazon UK

A dymanic, emotional filled story full of love, lust, desire, sadness and conflicts. Beautifully written with the heart, soul and passion of a dedicated author. A forbidden love story that explores the power of love and what it can conquer through spritiral guideance, trust and above all, true love that is also explored and pushed to the full. This book is highly recomended.

Book Details

'Promises of Eve' is a self published by Eden Allen and can be bought:


or at her LJ

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Brainstorming for Ideas

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2009-07-10

The Eden Allen Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Eden Allen Thread   The Eden Allen Thread EmptySat Jul 11, 2009 2:35 pm

Hi, It's me Eden Allen, my old account would not let me in so I started a new one.
Thanks for putting this up for me. Smile
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The Boss of the Board

Number of posts : 1170
Age : 37
Registration date : 2009-02-05

The Eden Allen Thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Eden Allen Thread   The Eden Allen Thread EmptySun Jul 12, 2009 1:34 am

No Problem Eden Smile
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